Author: Erin

  • 120 Best Birthday Journal Prompts To Reflect And Set New Goals

    120 Best Birthday Journal Prompts To Reflect And Set New Goals

    Blow out the candles and grab your pen—it’s time for some birthday introspection! As you celebrate another year of life, these birthday journal prompts will help you reflect on your journey and set intentions for the upcoming year. Whether you’re scribbling in a notebook or using an app, this special…

  • 40 Travel Journal Prompts: Capture Your Adventures One Page at a Time

    40 Travel Journal Prompts: Capture Your Adventures One Page at a Time

    Ever find yourself on an incredible journey, only to realize later that some of the magic has slipped through your memory’s cracks? I’ve been there, and let me tell you, it’s a bummer. That’s where the beauty of a travel journal comes in. It’s like a time machine for your…

  • 100 End-of-Year Journal Prompts to Reflect and Celebrate a Year of Growth

    100 End-of-Year Journal Prompts to Reflect and Celebrate a Year of Growth

    It’s that time of year again when we hit the pause button on life’s hustle and take a moment to reflect. I’ve compiled 100 end-of-year journal writing prompts to help you process the whirlwind of experiences from the past year. Whether you’re a seasoned writer or just starting out, these…

  • 80 Christian Journal Prompts to Strengthen Your Faith

    80 Christian Journal Prompts to Strengthen Your Faith

    I’m thrilled to dish out some spiritual wisdom today about a topic that’s been a game-changer for me: Christian journaling. I’ll be real with you – I can’t count the number of times I’ve felt stuck in my faith journey, wondering how to deepen my connection with God. That’s when…

  • 80 Inner Child Journal Prompts: Reparenting for Healing Your Inner Child

    80 Inner Child Journal Prompts: Reparenting for Healing Your Inner Child

    Ever felt like there’s a little kid inside you, desperately trying to be heard? That’s your inner child calling out. I’m starting this journey with you to explore inner child journaling – an excellent way to spark healing and personal growth. I’ve got 80 thought-provoking prompts to help you get…

  • 100 Self-Compassion Journal Prompts: Nurture Your Inner Kindness

    100 Self-Compassion Journal Prompts: Nurture Your Inner Kindness

    Self-compassion means treating yourself with the same love and understanding you’d extend to a friend or loved one. It’s about embracing your imperfections, setting healthy boundaries, and boosting your self-worth. Through self-reflection and journaling, you can learn to silence that pesky inner critic and nurture your authentic self. So, are…

  • 100 Journal Prompts for Self-Esteem – Boost Your Self-Confidence and Self-Worth

    100 Journal Prompts for Self-Esteem – Boost Your Self-Confidence and Self-Worth

    Let’s chat about something that’s been a game-changer for me – self-esteem journaling. We all have those days when self-doubt creeps in, right? I’ve been there too. But here’s the thing: our self-worth isn’t set in stone. It’s more like a muscle we can strengthen, and journaling is one of…

  • 120 Journal Prompts for Healing

    120 Journal Prompts for Healing

    Ever felt like you’re stuck in a rut, unsure how to move forward? Trust me, I’ve been there. That’s why I’m pumped to share with you a powerful tool that’s been a game-changer in my personal growth journey: journaling for healing. Whether you’re navigating a difficult time, pursuing self-awareness, or…

  • 80 Journal Prompts for Career Success

    80 Journal Prompts for Career Success

    Ever feel like you’re stuck in a career rut, going through the motions day-to-day? I’ve been there. A few years back, I hit a crossroad in my professional life that left me feeling burned out and wondering, “Is this all there is?” Whether you’re contemplating a big life change, looking…

  • 100 Manifestation Journal Prompts to Achieve Your Dream Life

    100 Manifestation Journal Prompts to Achieve Your Dream Life

    Last night, as I was scrolling through my old journal entries, I couldn’t help but smile. A couple of years ago, I was a mess of anxiety and self-doubt, desperately trying to figure out how to land my dream job as a writer. Fast forward to today, and I’m living…